
October 10 2024 – February 2 2025
Group-exhibition ‘Size Matters’, Contemporary Monumental Drawing, Museum More, Gorssel, The Netherlands.

October 5 2024 – January 5 2025
Group-exhibition ‘Black Air’, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

July, 2024
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Plague’.

April 26 – June 1, 2024
‘Conjunction’, Solo exhibition, John Marchant Gallery, Brighton, UK.

April 12 – October 19, 2024
Group-exhibtion ‘Let’s Work’ Faculty of Inhumanities, R.S.O.L. VU Art Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

September, 2023
Added 3 new drawings to the serie ‘Conjunction’.

July, 2023
Added 6 new drawings to the serie ‘Conjunction’.

May, 2023
ISSUE #3 (participation)
Issue is a publication of research done by the Faculty of In-humanities.
R.S.O.L. May, 2023
LE 68 + 2 AP
ISSN 2666-3317

March, 2023
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Conjunction’.

March, 2023
Groupshow John Marchant Gallery, Brighton UK.

March 16 – March 19, 2023
Art on Paper, Amsterdam, Luycks Gallery.

October 17, 2022
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Nebula’.

October 8, 2022
Artist Talk, Hans de Wit, StrijpR, Eindhoven.

July 2 – July 31, 2022
Groupsshow ‘Unknown Territories’ Mette Sterre, Hans de Wit, Bas de Wit, Jonat Deelstra, Ninet Kaijser en Cathelijn van Goor. De Vishal, Haarlem.

May 2022
New Gallery with a new website. John Marchant Gallery.

March 26 – May 1, 2022
Duo-show Hans de Wit (guest) and Henk Duijn. Luycks Gallery, Tilburg.

October 2, 2021
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Radiation’.

August 21 – September 26, 2021
Groupsshow ‘Het Landschap en de Geordende Verbeelding’. Galerie Schlessart, Bergen (Noord-Holland).

July 23, 2021
Added new CD in music ‘Had to Happen’. Cooperation Hans de Wit and Jacques van Erven.

April 2, 2021
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Particles +/-‘.

April 2, 2021
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘The Curves’.

September 22, 2020
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Nightsquake’.

September, 2020
ISSUE #2 (participation)
Issue is a publication of research done by the Faculty of In-humanities.
R.S.O.L. September 2020
LE 68 + 2 AP
ISSN 2666-3317

August 8 – August 30, 2020
Groupsshow ‘Benefit for Brabant’ ‘Kunst in tijden van Corona’. In PARK Tilburg.

April 9, 2020
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘The Shock’.

March, 2020
In ‘Magazine Het Moment’ a portfolio post ‘Small Monsters and Details’.

March 24, 2020
Added new serie with photos in drawings ‘Saviours and Drowners’.

March 19, 2020
Added some new photos from the exhibition in De Pont, Tilburg 2013.

March 18, 2020
Introduction of the new fully responsive website
Thanks to MikE, the designer of the art websites Antoinet Verhagen and Ruimte in beeld.

September 4, 2020 – February 22, 2021
20th International Biennale ‘Petit Format de Papier’. Nismes, Arlon, Liege, Sint-Niklaas (B).

April 29 – May 3, 2020
Art Amsterdam 2020. Presentation winners Jeanne Oosting Price.

January 18 – April 13, 2020
Group-exhibition ‘Precious Paradise’. Participating artist: Suzanna Bauer, Stefan Cools, Lilian Cooper, Lisan Freijsen, Nan Groot Antink, Maartje Korstanje, Sandra Kruisbrink, Erik Odijk, Yulia Schwarz & Hans de Wit. Museum Rijswijk, Rijswijk.

February 5 – February 9, 2020
Art Rotterdam 2020. Presented by ZERP Galerie, Rotterdam.

February 1 – February 29, 2020
Group-exhibition ‘Sense of Drawing’. Curator: Arno Kramer. BMB Project Ruimte, Amsterdam.

July 11 – July 31, 2019
Group-exhibition ‘Black Beauty’. Some participating artists: Peter Riss, Stijn Belle, Jelle Rietveld, Marie Louise Elshout & Hans de Wit.
Kunstraum Wiede-Fabrik, München (Germany).

April 18, 2019
Added the new drawing serie ‘After Signs’.

February 7, 2019
Artical (in Dutch) ‘Hans de Wit makes penetrating drawings on XXL format’ on website Brabant Cultureel.

January 26 – March  3, 2019
Group-exhibition ‘TEKENING (disegno)’. De Vierkante Zaal. SASK, Sint-Niklaas (B).

November 10 – December 9, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘The Secret Life Of Materials’. Some participating artists: Hadassah Emmerich, Stefan Dheedene, Buster Keaton (remake), Zarah Hussein, Nacho Carbonell, Mieke Meyer, Sigve Knutson, Carlo Lorenzetti, Octave Vandeweghe, Inge Nabuurs, Erwin, Hans de Wit.

October 16, 2018
Poem ‘Naargeestig moedergedicht met lama’s’ by Delphine Lecompte, image by Hans de Wit.

September 22 – November 18, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘De line up – De kracht van tekenen’. Centraal Museum, Utrecht.

August 22 – September 23, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘Unexpected Future’. Participating artists: Georg Bohle, Wim Gijzen, Sarah van der Pols, Hans van der Ham, Cai Guo Jie, Niels Janssen, Rob Buelens, Luc Dondeyne & Hans de Wit.
ZERP Galerie, Rotterdam.

June, 2018
Added some new photos from the exhibition in Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede.

May, 5 – October 7, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘Warum Kunst?’. Museum Ulm/Kunsthalle Weishaupt. Ulm, Germany.

April, 2018
Added some new photos in drawings serie ‘Arcanum Arcadia’.

March 25 – May 13, 2018
Group-exhibition with the launch of ‘Het Gumboek’. New book about the story and use of erasers. De Cacao Fabriek, Helmond.
Presenting an article in ‘Het Gumboek’. Written by Paul Dirks,the Netherlands.

March 25, 2018
The Composition Poem by Hans de Wit will be performed by the Van Abbemuseum Koor in connection with their 5-year anniversary.
The other 4 artists who wrote a composition are: Cindy Moorman, Iris Kensmil, Laure Provost, Gluckya Natalia Pershina.
Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven.

January 28 – March 11, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘139 x Nothing But Good’. Park, Tilburg.

December, 2017
Added new project: ‘Music’.

November 5, 2017 – March 25, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘De Aard Der Dingen’. Negen hedendaagse tekenaars.
Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede.

September 16, 2017 – February 18, 2018
Group-exhibition ‘WeerZien’. Anniversary: 25 years De Pont, Tilburg.

November 10 – November 26, 2017
Group-exposition ‘Carrier Pigeon Groupshow’. Blackburn 20|20 Gallery, New York.

September 10, 2017
Presentation of a new book: ‘Ark van alfabet’. This is a collaboration between Huub Beurskens, Hans de Wit & Atalanta Pers (publisher).
This edition will be presented at Loods 6, Amsterdam.

September 7 – September 13, 2017
Group-exhibition ‘Witteveen Drawing’. Loods 6, Amsterdam.

April 6 – April 17, 2017
Group-exhibition ‘Zes Voor Zes’, een coöperatieve kunstbeurs. Loods 6, Amsterdam.

March 24 – May 19, 2017
Group-exhibition ‘Dreef expositie’. Participating: Raquel Maulwurf, Julia Winter, Mathieu Knippenberg & Hans de Wit. Paviljoen Welgelegen (Provinciehuis Noord-Holland), Haarlem.

March 4, 2017
Article in ‘Carrier Pigeon’, volume 5 issue 1. Magazine for illustration and fine art, New York.

March, 2017
Book cover ‘Eindeloos Eiland’, novel by Huub Beurskens.

March, 2017
Article in ‘Het Gumboek’. New book about the story and use of erasers. Written by Paul Dirks, the Netherlands.

January 14 – February 11, 2017
Group-exhibition ‘A Temporary Farewell Show’. Witteveen Art Centre, Amsterdam.

September, 2016 – January, 2017
Museum De Pont Tilburg late summer show participation. For photo click here.

September 2 – October 9, 2016
Group-exhibition ‘Zomerzucht en andere verhalen 3’, Buro Beukorkest. TAC, Eindhoven.

June 4 – July 3, 2016
Exhibition Nour-Eddine Jarram & Hans de Wit. Galerie Maurits van de Laar, Den Haag.

March 18 – June 12, 2016
Group-exhibition ‘Kunst aan het Spaarne’, schenking Bart Spoorenberg.
Participating: Rosemin Hendriks, Rinke Nijburg, Arno Kramer, Paul Klemann, Koen Vermeule, Hans de Wit and others. Teylers Museum, Haarlem.

March 5 – April 2, 2016
Group-exhibition ‘Tekening tentoonstelling XL’. Participating: Ron Amir, Gam Bodenhausen, Jacobien de Rooij, Hans de Wit and others.
Witteveen Visual Art Centre, Amsterdam.

February 28 – March 3, 2016
Group-exhibition ‘Beyond The Lines’. Participating: Hanneke Francken, Arno Kramer & Hans de Wit. Galerie Wilms Hedendaagse Kunst, Venlo.

Solo-exhibition in the Regency Town House, Brighton (represented by John Marchant Gallery). Presenting a new booklet ‘In Bright Shadows’.

December 13, 2015 – January 17, 2016
Group-exhibition. Studio Van Dusseldorp, Tilburg.

September 13, 2015 – January 10, 2016
Group-exhibition ‘Paradise’. Participating: Elspeth Diederix, Heringa/ Van Kalsbeek, Hans van Hoek, Hidenori Mitsue, Erik Odijk, Wouter Venema, Anne Wenzel & Hans de Wit. Buitenplaats Beeckestijn, Velsen Zuid.

June 27 – September 5, 2015
Group-exhibition ‘Veldwerk’. Drawing Centre Diepenheim, Diepenheim.

July 6, 2015
New  drawings Arcanum Arcadia online.

April 25 – June 21, 2015
Group-exhibition ‘Anything but homeless’. Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.

March 1 – September 16, 2015
Group-exhibition ‘On War and Peace’. Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo.

February 20 – May 3, 2015
Group-exhibition ‘Above Reality’. Garage Rotterdam, Rotterdam.

January 21 – January 24, 2015
London Art Fair, John Marchant Gallery.

Design cover LP ‘Heroes And Zeroes’, Woody & Paul.

Autumn 2014
Publication in Isis Gallery Magazine Issue 3 Autumn 2014.

Makers: Tekenen Video & Film about drawing. Arno Kramer, Tinguely & Hans de Wit.

May 31 – August 31, 2014
‘Zomeropstelling’. Museum De Pont, Tilburg.

April 12 – August 10, 2014
Expo ‘Voorbij het Zichtbare’. Het Noordbrabants Museum, ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

May 10 – June 14, 2014
Expo ‘Van Groot tot Klein’ with Jasmijn Visser, Roland Sohier & Hans de Wit. Witteveen Visual Art Centre, Amsterdam.

March 15 – April 5, 2014
Expo ‘Scribble for Life, Part 1’ with Annelies Blaam, Joshua van Iersel, Sibylle Schwarz, Remy Habets, Walter Kerkhofs, Lars Henkel, Danielle Luinge & Hans de Wit. Bureau Beukorkest, TAC, Eindhoven.

September 19 – September 22, 2013
Participant at Amsterdam Drawing. NDSM-werf, Amsterdam (Witteveen Visual Art Centre).

September 21, 2013
Presentation of a new book ‘Undertow’ with 160 pages.
At the same time there will be the opening of an exhibition in Drawing Centre Diepenheim, ‘Mythe en mystiek in het landschap’, with curator Hans de Wit. Artists: Nik Christensen, Hadassah Emmerich, Hanneke Francken, Erik Odijk, Mai van Oers, Tjibbe Hooghiemstra, Sandra Kruisbrink, Rachida Post & Hans de Wit.

June 15 – July 20, 2013
Witteveen visual art centre: Drawing Festival part III with Marlies Appel, Pieter Bijwaard, Rosemin Hendriks, Nour-Eddine Jarram, Juul Kraijer, Arno Kramer, Meinbert Gozewijn van Soest & Hans de Wit.

January 17, 2013
Artist-interview with Rebecca Nelemans. Museum De Pont, Tilburg.

January 12 – March 3, 2013
Solo-exhibition at Projectzaal. Museum de Pont, Tilburg.

November 9 – November 11, 2012
‘The Others Art Fair’. Turin, Italy (represented by Isis Gallery).

September 22, 2012
Winner of the ÉposPress Drawing Oeuvreprice 2012.

March 29 – April 1, 2012
‘Drawing Now Paris 1’ Salon du Dessin Contemporain 2011. Palais de la Bourse Paris, France (represented by Isis Gallery).

March 1 – May 13, 2012
Exposition ‘Dessin contemporains surréalistes de Rotterdam’. Institut Neérlandais Paris, France (represented by Museum Boijmans van Beuningen).

January 29 – March 18, 2012
Collection Bommel van Dam in the IKOB Eupen, Belgium.

October 14 – December 7, 2011
Solo-exhibition at opening Drawing Centre Diepenheim.

May 11 – May 15, 2011
Art Amsterdam, presented by Drawing Centre Diepenheim.

April 30 – May 1, 2011
Trajector Air Fair Bruxelles, presented by Isis Gallery.

April 24 – August 29, 2011
Group-exhibition ‘All about drawing’. 100 dutch artists, 200 drawings, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.

March 25 – March 28, 2011
Salon du Dessin Contemporain 2011, Palais de la Bourse in Paris, France (represented by Isis Gallery).

February 26 – March 26, 2011
Exhibition: Ten Haaf Projects Amsterdam, with Oliver Lanz (Germany).

June 26 – September 12, 2010
Group-exhibition ‘Op papier gezet’. Van Daniëls tot Dumas, van Schleiffert tot Schoonhoven, Centraal Museum Utrecht.

May 25, 2010
New booklet: Pencil Poems.

May 20, 2010
Review in Art Papers USA by Amelia Ishmael. Click here.

February 14 – April 12, 2010
Collection presentation ‘Kunst na 1945’, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam

February 20 – April 9, 2010
Group-exhibition with recent drawing acquisitions of Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.

January 9 – February 20, 2010
Exhibition at the Isis Gallery.

Speptember 18, 2009
New gallery. Isis Gallery, London (UK).